Purple 1.75mm PETG Filament (2.2lb)
This is a 2.2lb (1kg) roll of 1.75mm (standard) diameter PETG.
We recommend a 240 celsius extrusion temp for this particular type of filament. Your machine may vary; consider printing a temperature tower (thingiverse.com) for the best extrusion temperature for your printer.
Please Note: many print quality issues are not necessarily caused by the filament, but can instead be fixed by adjusting slicer settings or making minor tweaks to a a printer's mechanical parts. Please consider taking our basic 3d printing class for more information.
We are a nonprofit, mission-driven organization, so we make no secret of our pricing. We bought this in bulk so that we could get a cheaper price, marked it up a little, and we make a few dollars to put toward our mission of educating and empowering the public to harness manufacturing technology. Our goal is to foster a maker economy in Middleboro and the surrounding region, and we hope you'll find this price competitive with other filament sales online.